Barbara Gwen

Barbara Gwen was born September 10, 1953 in Guthrie Center, Iowa. She lived in Nebraska throughout her teen years and all her adult life. She loved her mother Darlene, her brother Gary and sister-in-law Laurie, her nephews Dan and Andrew, her dog Molly, and her life was full. She enjoyed the panoramic vistas and wildlife of Colorado and traveled in and around Estes Park, photographing its beauty at every opportunity.
Years ago, Barb and a group of her author friends came up with the idea to create a connected series of stories. As the idea evolved, it seemed natural to set these characters in a fictional tourist town similar to Estes Park and the surrounding area. The plan fell by the wayside for several years, but the characters were never forgotten. Most of the writers dabbled with the stories off and on. And then they decided to get serious and make it happen.
Barb passed away in September of 2015, and the loss is immeasurable to her family and friends. They have wonderful memories to sustain them. They laugh about the things she said, the fun times they had together. And when they picked up the pieces, the Friday Night Critique Group decided to move forward and honor Barb by finishing her story with these beloved characters and publishing it for others to enjoy—and to perhaps allow you to know their friend a little.
Barb lives on in their hearts, and in the characters of Jackson and Kate, Jakob and Willa.

“I have been and always shall be your friend.” - Spock